Front Strike Press

A Brand New "Micro Press"

We're technically a lit mag, but "micro press" sounds cooler. And we're all about micro works, after all!

Current Status: finalizing inaugural acceptances and taking submissions for our very first contest.

Submit Now: Free Contest!

The recent election in the USA has seemingly shown women, people of colour, and members of the LGBTQ+ that more people are anti-basic human rights for all than we ever thought possible.If you went into a depressive spiral in November, you're not alone. Share your grief, your rage, your feelings of helplessness with us.Grand Prize: $50
Short List: $20
Long List: $10
Closes on February 28th, 2025.

We like short. Like, really short.

What's "short"?

We define micro fiction as under 100 words, with flash fiction being under 1000 words. Poetry can be any length, but we're slightly biased to pieces between 6 and 40 lines long. No individual poetry pieces over 2 pages in default setting please!For contests, we'll also be accepting artwork. This can range from inked drawings to digital works, from photographs to collages of a sculpture. If you made it, and can make it into a 2D format so we can publish it, you can submit it!

We're dedicated to poetry, micro fiction, and flash fiction.

We'd really love to read your work.

Submission Details


By submitting to FSP, you are giving us first publication rights and agree to the use of your work across our social media.We pay $10 USD per accepted piece. We prefer to pay via PayPal but will do our best to accommodate every accepted author's/artist's specific needs.More details will be provided on the submissions page, when available. A contract will also be provided after acceptance.

We'd really love to hear from you.

Contact Us

We're more than happy to answer any questions.